price list
If you are going on holiday or just a long weekend away, book your little ones in with us…
For an overnight stay £30 for 1 dog and then £10 for each additional dog from the same household.
This fee includes all their food, steak, fish or chicken meal, play times, walks, cuddles and belly rubs. Your dogs will have warm clean beds and cots. For longer stays, a freshen up bath is also included in the price.
We are currently full for regular daycare clients. However, please check as we occasionally have available dates and can fit you in between clients for the occasional day.

needed to secure your booking at
The Chihuahua

We are required by law to do a pre-stay visit to meet your dog(s) before their stay. This initial meeting is just to allow our dogs to meet and to make sure they are happy and settled. It is a great opportunity for you to ask any questions and discuss your pups care routine. Our license requires we have an overnight visit of one night before taking longer holiday bookings. Details of this will be discussed at the pre-stay visit. Once we have had this initial pre-stay visit, you are free to arrange any booking dates and details.
Please note that booking dates may be confirmed by regulars who have previously stayed with us or people who have already had pre-stay visits. Please try to arrange your pre-stay visits as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
We also offer longer trial visits. (2-4 hour sessions will be charged from £25 for 1 dog) These are useful if your dog has never stayed away from you before. We can discuss your dogs’ needs at the pre-stay visit.
Contact us for more details..
Call us on 07958 316347 or email